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Prajval Kumar Murali

PhD Student

I am a Ph.D. candidate at the BMW Group and the University of Glasgow working on Visuo-Tactile Perception for Safe Human-Robot Interaction and Object-Robot Manipulation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Mohsen Kaboli and Prof. Dr. Bernd Porr. My Ph.D. research focuses on enabling intelligent agents to make use of the complementary sensing modalities such as vision and touch while leveraging active perception and learning methodologies to efficiently interact with the environment.

Research Interests

Human-Robot Interaction

Visuo-tactile Perception

Active perception and learning

Robot Manipulation


  1. Touch if it’s transparent! ACTOR: Active Tactile-based Category-Level Transparent Object Reconstruction, Prajval Kumar Murali, Bernd Porr, Mohsen Kaboli IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2023

  2. Active Visuo-Tactile Point Cloud Registration for Accurate Pose Estimation of Objects in an Unknown Workspace, Prajval Kumar Murali, Michael Gentner, and Mohsen Kaboli IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) 2021

  3. Active Visuo-Tactile Interactive Robotic Perception for Accurate Object Pose Estimation in Dense Clutter, Prajval Kumar Murali, Anirvan Dutta, Michael Gentner, Etienne Burdet, Ravinder Dahiya and Mohsen Kaboli IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (IEEE RA-L) (2022)

  4. An Empirical Evaluation of Various Information Gain Criteria for Active Tactile Action Selection for Pose Estimation, Prajval Kumar Murali, Ravinder Dahiya and Mohsen Kaboli The IEEE Int. Conf on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2022)

  5. Deep Active Cross-Modal Visuo-Tactile Transfer Learning for Robotic Object Recognition, Prajval Kumar Murali, Cong Wang, Dongheui Lee, Ravinder Dahiya and Mohsen Kaboli IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (IEEE RA-L) (2022)

  6. Towards Robust 3D Object Recognition with Dense-to-Sparse Deep Domain Adaptation Prajval Kumar Murali , Cong Wang, Ravinder Dahiya and Mohsen Kaboli The IEEE Int. Conf on Flexible and Printable Sensors and Systems (FLEPS 2022)

  7. Intelligent In-Vehicle Interaction Technologies Prajval Kumar Murali , Mohsen Kaboli, and Ravinder Dahiya Advanced Intelligent Systems

  8. GMCR: Graph-based Maximum Consensus Estimation for Point Cloud Registration Michael Gentner, Prajval Kumar Murali, and Mohsen Kaboli The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2023)

Prajval Kumar Murali
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