RoboTac 2022
The 4th IEEE/RSJ International Workshop
October 23rd, 2022
Kyoto, Japan
Visuo-Tactile Predictive Coding and Active Inference for Grasp and Manipulation
New Advances in Tactile Sensation, Interactive Perception, and Learning
Haptics, or the sense of touch, enables humans to interact with their environment and is crucial to manipulation challenges in everyday life. It enables grasping, manipulation, learning, and decision-making based on the information from mechanoreceptors distributed in muscles and over the skin. Humans use haptic exploration to interact with their environment, e.g. to recognize an object's shape and mechanical properties.
Invited Speakers
Topics of interest
Human Sense of Touch
Touch physiology from skin to brain
Haptic Perception
Action and Perception Loop
Perception for Learning
Tactile Sensing Technologies
Conformable and compliant materials
Features enabled by conformable sensors
Sensor effects
Integration and read-out strategies
Self-healing properties and strategies
Sensor skins: design, fabrication and integration strategies
Integration strategies for sensors in robotics
Enabling technologies for fully integrated robotic systems
VVisuo-Tactile Predictive Coding and Active Inference
Exploitation of contact constraints
Novel contact models
Neuromorphic Perception and Learning
Object perception for the exploitation of contact
Tactile information processing
Tactile feature extraction / feature learning
Tactile-based object modelling
Tactile object localization
Tactile shape reconstruction and recognition
Tactile object classification
Tactile exploration
Trends in combining of vision and touch sensing
Roles of vision and touch sensing in different object perception tasks
Modelling and representation of sensing modalities
Integration of visuo-tactile sensing modalities
Visuo-Tactile Grasp, Prehensile and non-prehensile Manipulation
Linear/rotational slip detection
Grasping planning
Grasp stability assessment
Soft manipulation
In-hand/whole body manipulation
Tactile planning interplay between touch sensing and vision
Tactile knowledge/skill transfer
Tactile transfer learning
The meaning and function of different sensing modalities in object manipulation
Sensing and planning in object manipulation
Multi-robot manipulation and coordination
Control strategy for object manipulation and collaborative assembly
Learning object manipulation skills from human demonstration
Novel approaches to grasp and manipulation planning
Whole-body, multi-contact planning and control
Design and characterisation of contact-exploiting, compliant hands