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RoboTac Lab

Embodied AI
Tactile Intelligence 

About Us


Who We Are

At RoboTac, a highly collaborative Research Labs, we seek to understand the underlying principles of active cross-multi-modal interactive perception, learning, and decision-making in intelligent autonomous systems by inspiring humans and biological systems

Our Work

Our work is at the intersection of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Robotics, and Tactile Intelligence applied to problems in Autonomous Robots, Cognitive Vehicles, and Human-Robot/Machine Interaction and collaboration​

Our Goal

One of the major focuses of RoboTac is to enable robotic systems and intelligent vehicles with the sense of touch to understand the physical properties of the environment and to interact with objects and humans intuitively and safely.

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Latest News

FLEPS 2022 Outstanding Student Paper Award

Congratulations to RoboTac Team, Prajval Murali and Dr. Mohsen Kaboli for winning the Outstanding Student Paper Award  at IEEE FLEPS 2022 with their paper "An Empirical Evaluation of Various Information Gain Criteria for Active Tactile Action Selection for Pose Estimation".

Outstanding Paper Award at IEEE ICRA 2023

Congratulations to RoboTac Team, Michael Gentner (former Master Student), Prajval Murali and Dr. Mohsen Kaboli for being one of the finalists of the Outstanding Sensors and Perception Award at ICRA 2023 with their paper "GMCR: Graph-based Maximum Consensus Estimation for Point Cloud Registration".

IROS 2023 Paper acceptance

Congratulations to the RobotTac team, Prajval Murali, Anirvan Dutta and Dr. Mohsen Kaboli. Their papers "Touch if it's transparent! ACTOR: Active Tactile-based Category-Level Transparent Object Reconstruction" and "Push to know! - Visuo-Tactile based Active Object Parameter Inference with Dual Differentiable Filtering" got accepted at the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS) in Detroit, USA, October 1 - 5, 2023.

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